Without even trying, I think I am on the verge of breaking the world's record for the number of times listening to the (smog) song "Strayed" in one two hour period in front of a computer. I have not yet found the actual record online anywhere, but I have got to be close. Better listen a few more times to be safe.
By actual record do you mean large round disc played with a needle? Because if you mean small round metallic disc played by lasers, I think you can get it on amazon.
I wasn't being clear--I meant the world's record for listening to "Strayed" in front of a computer. Still haven't found it, so I may be the record holder.
Did you see Oscar Wao won a Pulitzer? I was a little surprised, I guess. I think The Road should have won again.
I'm almost world-record status for Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.
Oh, I see. . . well I'd call that a communication breakdown, wouldn't you? I did see that Wao won the Pulitzer, and Wes even said something like, "Wonder what Scott thinks of that." Come on, Cormac can't win 'em all.
Wao also won "The Morning News" 2007 Tournament of Books.
I was pulling for "The Savage Detectives". It would have been fairly awesome if "The Road" paperback had picked it up though.
Thanks Mr. Hill. I had been working on a compilation CD and I just needed one more song to finish it, because you can't end on Tortoise. "Strayed" was perfect. It fit, and fit in.
Blue Mikey
Oh, good; I'd been wondering if maybe my enthusiasm for that song was unwarranted. Thanks for helping confirm, Mike.
btw, after getting the McClellan book, I set out to see where exactly they were taken, hoping to take modern versions of some--turns out the street has been plowed under for our new baseball stadium/ parking lot.
We still have plenty of neighborhoods like that, though.
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