Friday, November 11, 2005

Sarah Silverman

I haven't written much here at all lately . . . I guess my teaching blog is getting the most action because it's on my mind a lot these days. The comic sarah silverman has a new movie or something out and I've always been curious to hear what her comedy is about, but from what I've seen recently, with the promo from the new movie, she's little more than a cute shock jock. It's like your gender and ethnicity can be used to comic advantage in this world; you're allowed to make jokes that you couldn't if you're a white guy. Not that I'm complaining, I guess; it's just that Silverman, I thought, would be more of an original mind, and I'm disappointed.

She did have one good joke I just saw her deliver in an online segment: When God gives you AIDS, make lemonAIDS. It made me laugh, though it's very, very wrong, of course.

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