Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Freezing Fog!

That's a new one, "freezing fog." Apparently, it is treacherous enough to warrant closing school today. Just look what it has done to my garden! So be careful out there. And around 9:30 look out for the "thawing fog," which can be just as bad.

Make the most of your day; I'm going outside to build a fog man now.


sarahjane said...

ah! hysterical. i wish the library believed in freezing fog. they have no imagination.

thechrisproject said...

That's a fabulous picture.

Mr. Hill said...

thank you, chrisproject; I'm a big fan of your Flickr site.

Mindstroller said...

the fog man i built tried to take over the world... luckily it thawed out before it could do any real damage and now its being held for questioning

R. said...

Wes Craven has nothing on Fort Wayne freezing fog...