Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Buck Pole

The town where I spent my Thanksgiving boasts Michigan's "Largest Buck Pole." We were a few days late to see it this year, but caught this one instead at a club where my father in law hunts. What a horrifying picture. Why did I put this up here? Is it a protest picture? Am I just intrigued by the frozen blood dribble? Do I like the way the afternoon sun plays for the last time on the white fur under their chins? It could be all of these things. I just don't know.

It was a swell long weekend for me, mainly because I (a) did nothing, and (b) got to drive around northern Michigan back roads while a heavy snow was falling and accumulatin' and making everyone slow down. I've been ready for snow for a few weeks, so it was nice. It almost took my mind off of IU losing to Xavier and looking awful doing it.
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1 comment:

Mindstroller said...

The blood dribble is intriguing. Not exactly PLEASANT, but intriguing nonetheless.

Besides, hunting deer is at least good as a means of keeping their already swollen population down. At least thats what i hear (i would prefer some natural predators, but wolf pelts are just SOOOOOOO lovely as carpeting...).