Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cure me

Oh man am I sick. It's one of those where you are dizzy all the time and feel like you are walking on the moon. It probably wasn't safe for me to drive into school, but I had to put together some kind of plans for class tomorrow--and even Tuesday the way I'm feeling. If you know any folksy cold remedies, let me hear them. So far, I have been sticking to drinking lots of Gatorade, and that's not helping much.


Michelle Briggs Wedaman said...

Sleep. That'll help tons. Sorry to hear you're sick.

LetsGoThrow said...

Theraflu ...

LetsGoThrow said...

If you are looking for something to do on your sick leave, you could burn some cd's for me. I lost all my music is a tragic accident.

sarahjane said...

Gatorade? Our favorites: throat coat tea, olive leaf for sore throats, and orange juice.

Kristina said...

I've been sick all weekend too... I've had a chronic headache (one of those where it feels like your whole brain is being seized by an invisible force) since Saturday and it only started getting better this morning.

Surprisingly, it was good ol' Tylenol that did it.

Mr. Hill said...

That sounds like mine, though it laughed at the Tylenol I threw at it.

Mr. Hill said...

Thanks for reminding me to backup my hard drive, Throw.

I would burn stuff for you, but that would be *illegal*.

LetsGoThrow said...

you're a pal. you can forget about the TAL... :P